Shadow play

Here are some re-workings of some recent sketchbook pencil drawings reproduced in ink – with a little scratching out– using as big a brush as possible, aiming for that “just casually arrived on the page” look.



Down by the river, lined with willows and reeds, umbellifers and nettles. Cars and vans park up wherever there is space. Not a picturesque horse and cart, sure, but I find including the modern and mechanical describes today’s heavily industrialised agricultural landscape. On the field side, the tree has not been allowed to encroach on farm machinery and has been trimmed back, giving an open right angle underneath it. Conveniently, this acts as a frame for the white van, and the high tonal contrast helps provide a
focus here.


The white van under the dark tree attracted me here

In this picture I was attracted by the shadows of the trees across the road. The barn was black,
the door was red. There was no sound. I went a little ‘nuclear summer’ with the colours, but hey…


A quiet, still summer afternoon shattered by my choice of colours!

2 thoughts on “Shadow play

  1. Loving the brown & Blue tones together just gorgeous!! Plus the vibrant colour used in your summer afternoon are fantastic, love the way the vibrant colour’s dance of the page to reveal shadows and highlights. Loving the vibrant colours!!

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